Saturday, November 8, 2008

It a Celebration in Marriage for Amanda Ann Edwards and Brendon Michael Schroeder

It was a sunny Oct. day on the18th 2008 when these two united in marriage. My stepdaughter Amanda couldn't have looked more beautiful and her father more proud to see his only daughter married. I think I saw tears swell in his eyes as they said their vows.
This quilt is the wedding gift I made for Amanda and Brendon. In which, I worked effortfully on for two straight weeks. Marty kept asking me ifI was going to get it finished in time. Through sleepless nights and sweat and a lot of coffee, lol, it was finished. We liked it so well that I bought fabric to make one for us. This time around,I can take my time. LOL

"CHANGE" Rally in Denver Co.

How exciting is that, we had the good fortune to be in Denver Co. on the same day as the "Change" Rally with Barack Obama at the Civic Center Park on Sunday Oct. 26th 2008. There was a massive crowd. I can't believe how many people were there. We did'nt meet him nor could we see him, but we could hear every word he said and that alone was enough for me to remember for the rest of my life. It was so grand being in the same atomsphere as Barack Obama.

Can You Believe It, Obama the next President of the United States

History is being made as Barack Obama is the next elected President. It is amazing to see, witness and hear as the book opens and the pages written, as we as a nation anxiously await for the chapters that follow in the next four years.
I can tell you this of all the Presidents to remember, I will never forget the 44th President of the United States.

About Me

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Noblesville, Indiana, United States